Lowther Pavilion receive £190,000 in funding pledges to boost ambitious redevelopment

Following the Lowther Gardens (Lytham) Trust investing £1.2 million into the construction of the shell of the new of the new, 150-seat Education Centre & Studio Theatre, the Lowther Pavilion Theatre & Gardens team are thrilled to have confirmed support from three national funding bodies.
In the last week, £190,000 in pledged support has come forwards to support the fit out of the new space, as part of the venue’s ambitious, three phase re-development campaign.
These pledges have been made by the Bernard Sunley Foundation (£75,000), The Foyle Foundation (£40,000), and a third private trust (£75,000).
The charitable donations will contribute to the fitout of the new Education Centre & Studio Theatre, with a remaining £1 million still needed.

Tim Lince, CEO/Artistic Director at Lowther, said: “This is the most exciting time in Lowther’s history. The new Education Centre & Studio Theatre, will allow us a future space in which we can help celebrate imagination and incubate creativity for all the residents of the Fylde Coast and its visitors.”
These latest pledges come alongside the Lowther Gardens (Lytham) Trust, who back in 2023, appointed Preston-based J. Robinson Building Contractors to begin constructing the shell of the new facility in December last year.
Previous support for the building of the shell has been given by a number of private organisations and individuals including: Windmill Community Benefit Society; Duggie Chapman Associates Theatrical Productions; Soroptimist International of the Fylde; Lions International; Beaverbrooks; Cuff & Taylor; Theatres Trust; The Bobby Ball Foundation; St Georges Day Festival; Vera Wollsencroft; David & Sharon Haythornwaite; and generous donations from visitors to the theatre and gardens.
Collectively, these three new funding pledges, along with previous donations, symbolise the concerted effort and need to support the future of the arts and help keep the Lowther Pavilion Theatre & Gardens at the heart of the Fylde Coast for generations to come.
The new Education Centre & Studio Theatre is set to open in Lytham St Annes in April 2025.
For more information on the project, and to support with donations, please visit lowtherpavilion.co.uk.