Applications now open as Lancashire’s only county-wide tourism awards returns
After some of the most challenging times for the county’s tourism and hospitality businesses and an absence of a Lancashire Tourism Awards in 2020, Marketing Lancashire is pleased to launch the Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 competition.
As always, Marketing Lancashire’s tourism awards are aligned with Visit England’s national awards, with the vast majority of the Lancashire winners then having the opportunity to go head-to-head with winners from every other English destination, in a competition for a national award.
The county’s only dedicated tourism and hospitality awards, Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 has now launched and is open to all tourism and hospitality businesses fitting the required criteria in each category. Nineteen awards are now open for entries, including two new awards that acknowledge the character, resilience and invention shown by the sector throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
The new award categories are: The Resilience and Innovation Award, rewarding a business that has redefined itself during the pandemic and The Unsung Hero Award, highlighting those individuals who have helped create unique and memorable experiences for visitors, through their sometimes unseen or unsung activities or actions. (This replaces the Tourism Superstar category).

Rachel McQueen, Chief Executive of Marketing Lancashire commenting on the return of the awards said,
“The Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 will be a very special event for the sector and for Marketing Lancashire. We have never been prouder of our partners and the county’s tourism and hospitality businesses, than we have over the last seventeen months or so.
“Facing the challenges, uncertainty and genuine hardship brought by the pandemic, the sector has shown remarkable resilience, proved its ability to redefine itself and has adapted to some of the most testing restrictions on ‘normal’ operations seen in most lifetimes.
“What has shone through during this period is truly reflective of the Lancashire character, approaching each challenge in practical, innovative and often surprisingly good-humoured ways.
“The Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 will be a celebration of that redefining, of that spirited Lancashire character and of course the future of this incredible sector; in particular, recognising those colleagues who are leading the way on our journey towards a stronger, more accessible and sustainable Lancashire tourism offer.
“As we have throughout the pandemic, Marketing Lancashire will continue to champion Lancashire tourism and hospitality businesses locally, nationally and internationally. Today, by launching the Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 competition, we take a significant step towards a return to ‘normality’ and to celebrating together that we are Lancashire.”

The categories now open for application are:
Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Award *
Camping, Glamping and Holiday Park of the Year *
Cultural Venue / Organisation of the Year
Dog Friendly Business of the Year
Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award *
Experience of the Year *
Large Hotel of the Year *
Perfect Stay *
New Tourism Business Award *
Pub of the Year *
Self-Catering Accommodation of the Year *
Producer of the Year
Café & Tearoom of the Year
Restaurant of the Year *
Large Visitor Attraction of the Year *
Small Visitor Attraction of the Year *
Wedding Venue of the Year
Resilience and Innovation Award *
Unsung Hero Award *
* The winners of these categories will have the opportunity to represent Lancashire in the national VisitEngland Awards for Excellence Awards 2022 competition – subject to meeting criteria.
Information and criteria for each category, as well as the online application forms are now available on
To assist first time applicants or those keen to refresh their approach to entering the Lancashire Tourism Awards, an LTA21 Applications Masterclass is being held on Wednesday 6 October 2.00-2.45pm, registration details can be found here.
The deadline for applications is midnight on Wednesday 3 November with the shortlist of finalists due to be announced on Thursday 18 November.
The Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 will take place early next year, location and timing to be announced this November.
To follow all the latest news on Lancashire Tourism Awards 2021 visit and #LTA21 on Twitter.