Next phase of £38 million Leyland Town Centre Deal now underway

Source: South Ribble Borough Council 11 July 2023

Work has now started on the next phase of the £38 million Leyland town centre improvements.   Sutcliffe Projects Ltd are undertaking the first phase of the site investigation work on Ecroyd Street Car Park and surrounding areas in Leyland Town Centre.

Pictured on site in Leyland Town Centre: Representatives of Sutcliffe Projects Limited including Director William Baldwin, Charles Hadcock Chair of Leyland Town Deal and Cllr Paul Foster Leader of South Ribble Borough Council and Leyland Town Deal Board Member.

William Baldwin, Director of Sutcliffe Projects Limited said: “The Leyland Town deal aims to support business growth, the regeneration of the local town centre, and improvements in infrastructure – pillars we are immensely proud to align ourselves with at Sutcliffe. For that reason, we are very proud to have carried out the site investigation work on this project, in what will be a groundbreaking deal for the local area.”

Once the first phase of the site investigation is completed the next stage will be the demolition of the former NFM Iddons factory that will make way for the business and skills hub BASE2, residential developments and a new car park.

Charles Hadcock, Chair of Leyland Town Deal Board said: “It is great to see the Leyland Town Deal moving forward with work already started on this phase to prepare the site and the demolition work to follow on very soon afterwards.”

All the six planning applications for the Leyland Town Deal schemes have now been approved and work can now begin at pacecommence.  Leyland Town Deal comprises of two main projects, BASE2 and town centre improvements. These projects include a major upgrade for Leyland Market, new commercial and residential developments alongside highways and public realm improvements.

Councillor Paul Foster, Leader of South Ribble Borough Council and Leyland Town Deal Board Member said: “I am really pleased to see this scheme moving to the next stage. The Town Deal funding is a great opportunity to bring much needed investment to Leyland Town Centre and progress on the scheme brings the prospect of improved economic benefits closer to reality .”

Leyland Town Deal was awarded £24.95 million of Government funding following a ground-breaking funding bid submitted by the Leyland Town Deal Board. The Board includes representatives from private sector businesses, education, public, community and voluntary sectors

More information and the latest news on Leyland Town Deal can be found at

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